

Bournemouth Airport Community Fund

The Bournemouth Airport Community Fund is a completely separate fund that is managed independently by the Community Fund Management Committee. It is open to community, social, recreational and environmental groups operating within the Borough of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. The money in the fund comes from a substantial annual donation from Bournemouth Airport which was agreed following negotiations with Christchurch Borough Council, now BCP Council, as a result of the redevelopment of the new terminal building.

Fund objectives

The Community Fund objectives are outlined below. In order for a project to receive a grant from the fund it must meet at least one of the following:

  • To bring the community closer together through facilities for sport, recreation and other leisure time activities
  • Offer environmental improvement and/or heritage conservation
  • Improve awareness of environmental issues through environmental education
  • Encourage and/or protect wildlife

Meeting Minutes

More Information

For more information contact [email protected]

Bournemouth Airport in the Community

As part of Rigby Group plc, Bournemouth Airport is determined to fulfil its responsibilities towards customers, employees, suppliers, communities and the global environment.

The Independent Consultative Committee (ICC) is the formal body in charge of liaison between Bournemouth Airport and our neighbouring communities.

It operates according to Government guidelines and representatives from local authorities, amenity and user groups meet three times a year.

According to the Liaison Group of UK Airport Consultative Committees, an ICC “seeks to hold the precarious balance between the interests of civil aviation, of passengers and other users of the airport and of people living in the area, and of the local environment.”

To contact the Consultative Committee, please address all correspondence to:

The Secretary
Bournemouth Airport Consultative Committee
c/o Bournemouth Airport
BH23 6SE

You can download the meeting minutes by clicking on the links below:

Consultative Committee Timeline