
Passenger Information

Everything you need to know, before you go

Check in desks open 2-3 hours before the flight is due to depart. Bournemouth Airport recommends arriving at the terminal at least 2 hours before departure, even if you are using online check in.

Before you arrive at Bournemouth Airport, make sure you have a valid passport (and visa where necessary) for your trip.

Many authorities require a passport that’s valid for at least six months from the time you fly. If you need help and advice, visit the UK Passport website.

On domestic flights, airlines now require to see appropriate photo identity. Please check with your airline about which forms of photo identity are acceptable.

It is important that you check with your airline to confirm your flight status as we are not able to take any responsibility for passengers missing their allocated check in time.

Hand baggage

We would remind all passengers that each airline has their own policy regarding the amount of hand baggage allowed on their aircraft and we strongly recommend that information regarding this is sought directly from the Airline before travel.

Recent changes to the shopping bag allowance at Bournemouth Airport mean that with all of our flights, you can indulge in some high street shopping right at the airport.

You can now take one standard sized airport shopping bag on ANY flight in addition to your hand luggage. This now includes Ryanair.

Liquids, Medication and Baby Food

If you need to, you can take small quantities of liquids through security. But only if they are carried in a single, clear, re-sealable plastic bag and each item is placed in a separate container no greater than 100ml/100g. A re-sealable freezer bag – approximately 20cm x 20cm or smaller – is about the right size.

Liquids include:

  • Water and other drinks, soups and syrups
  • Creams, lotions and oils
  • Perfumes Sprays Gels, including hair and shower gels
  • Contents of pressurised containers, including shaving foam, other foams and deodorants
  • Pastes, including toothpaste Liquid-solid mixtures
  • Mascara
  • Any other item of a similar consistency
  • Liquids of any size can still be checked into the hold, so it’s best to put these in your main suitcase. You can always buy drinks or toiletries in the departure lounge if you need to, since the goods will have been security screened beforehand.

Containers larger than 100ml/100g such as drinks bottles (including water), even though it might only contain 100ml/100g, are NOT permitted.

Essential medicines that you will need during your trip must be checked through security. Again, they have to be in your clear, plastic, re-sealable bag and in containers of less than 100ml/100g.

For essential medicines of more than 100ml/100g, you will require supporting documentation from a relevant qualified medical professional and prior approval from the airline. This applies to everything from cough medicine through to insulin.

Baby Food, Milk and Sterilised Water

When travelling with a baby you’re allowed to take enough baby food, baby milk and sterilised water for the journey. In some cases this will be over 100ml.

You can carry breast milk in hand luggage even if you’re not travelling with a baby. You can’t carry frozen breast milk in hand luggage.

Individual containers of breast milk must hold no more than 2,000ml. Each container will need to be screened at the security point. Airport staff might need to open the containers to screen the liquids.

Item Allowed in hand luggage Allowed in hold luggage
Breast milk Yes, in containers up to 2,000ml Yes
Frozen breast milk No Yes
Formula milk, cow’s milk Yes (baby must be present) Yes
Sterilised water for the baby Yes (baby must be present) Yes
Soya milk for babies Yes (baby must be present) Yes
Baby food Yes (baby must be present) Yes
Cooling gel packs Yes Yes

A baby is considered to be 0-36 months old.

Laptops and large electrical items

All your electrical goods should preferably be packed in your hold luggage, although they can also be packed in your hand baggage.

Laptop computers and other complex items of electrical equipment must be removed from hand luggage and screened separately.

Large printer cartridges (i.e. those over 500 grammes) will not be permitted in passenger baggage at any UK airport.

Electronics Ban – Inbound Flights from Turkey

In line with the Government announcement regarding all UK airports, electronic items larger than 16 x 9.3 x 1.5 cm will not be allowed into the cabin of flights coming into Bournemouth Airport from Turkey.

These items must go into the hold and passengers are advised to liaise with their airline on how to facilitate this.

This will only affect passengers flying into Bournemouth from Turkey, and not any departing from here. It will however affect passengers’ return journey, when they come back into Bournemouth Airport.

For more information please visit https://www.gov.uk/hand-luggage-restrictions/electronic-devices-and-electrical-items.

Musical instruments

Large musical instruments will be allowed as an extra item of hand luggage, but these will be screened separately.

Lost Luggage

If you have either lost or found an item while at Bournemouth Airport, please call +44 (0) 1202 364183 available 24-hours per day.

Luggage lost in transit

For enquiries about lost luggage, please contact Bournemouth Airport Handling on +44 (0)1202 364318 available Monday – Friday 0900 -1700 (24 hour message service).


Before you arrive at Bournemouth Airport, make sure you have a valid passport (and visa where necessary) for your trip.

Many authorities require a passport that’s valid for at least six months from the time you fly.

If you need help and advice, visit the UK Passport website.

On domestic flights, airlines now require to see appropriate photo identity. Please check with your airline about which forms of photo identity are acceptable.


To make your journey easier, here are a few tips:

  • You will be faced with 2 options; EU or non-EU.
  • Please do not use mobile phones in this area.
  • Please have your passport open at the photo page ready for scanning.

Please note that due to tighter restrictions all passports need to be scanned at the desk, which may take a few minutes.

Everyone flying into Bournemouth Airport from outside the UK needs to pass through Customs and Immigration.

Air Passenger Rights

Passengers have certain rights when travelling by air with European airlines. If EU air passenger rights apply: check your rights. The European Commission’s Air Passenger Rights poster is displayed at the airport. All European airlines, travel agents, tour operators and all other businesses involved in providing air transport observe passenger rights which relate to: Cancelled Flights, Long Delays & Denied Boarding, Baggage and Package Holidays.

Please see airline links below, regarding cancellation and delay procedures.

Customs Procedures

Go through the ‘Green Channel’ if you have nothing to declare. Only go through this channel if you are sure that you have no more than the Customs Allowances and no prohibited or restricted goods.

Go through the ‘Red Channel’ or report to the red point if you have something to declare. You must declare any goods in excess of the ‘Customs Allowances’.

UK Border Force carry out selective checks for the following prohibited or restricted goods:

  • Drugs
  • Firearms and ammunition
  • Offensive weapons (such as flick-knives)
  • Indecent and obscene material
  • Items that threaten health and the environment

UK Border Force needs your help to prevent smuggling. Any passenger arriving in the UK may be asked questions to help prevent the illegal import of prohibited or restricted items.

Meat Food and Plants

There are strict controls on the import of meat products and plants into the UK. If you bring prohibited items or exceed the permitted allowances, penalties may apply.

To check the allowances, please visit the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs website