

Industry Leading Flight Tracking Software

WebTrak is an innovative technology that enables you to see air traffic in the vicinity of Bournemouth Airport. We are one of the first airports in Europe to make this facility widely available, enabling you to see the general location and flow of flights.

The data you’ll see displayed is taken directly from the radar. However, it has been processed for public display and it is intended to show only the general location and flow of flights.

Please note:
The information shown by WebTrak should not be used or relied upon for any other purpose including navigation or schedule information.

What can I expect to see?

WebTrak enables you to see all aircraft operations in the vicinity of Bournemouth Airport with the exception of aircraft above 15,000 feet or outside a 30 mile radius (which is the limit of our radar recording) as well as some light aircraft.

WebTrak also provides detailed information about aircraft that have landed or taken off from Bournemouth Airport. This includes the aircraft track, altitude, airline and aircraft type. Flight information is updated daily and is displayed 24 hours behind real time. Flights which are not arriving or departing the airport are distinguished by a simple triangular icon.

As security is extremely important, we may on occasions, remove aircraft from the display.

Technical Terms Explained

Aircraft Tracks: The route an aircraft took after departing or before arriving at the airport.

Altitudes: The height of an aircraft in feet measured above mean sea level.

Airline: The airline information that is displayed is encoded in 3 or 4 characters.

Aircraft type: The aircraft type that is displayed is encoded in 3 or 4 characters.

Getting started

Launch WebTrak

WebTrak Frequently Asked Questions

What information will I see?

Information on arriving or departing traffic at Bournemouth Airport will include the airline and aircraft type, its altitude and track. Other aircraft operating within the airport’s airspace will also be displayed but without such detailed information.

Where do you get the data?

The data is taken directly from the Airport’s radar.

Can you provide information on aircraft that didn’t land at or depart from Bournemouth Airport?

No. WebTrak can only indicate the presence and altitude of other aircraft by a simple icon.

How up-to-date is the information?

WebTrak can’t be viewed in ‘real time’. For security, there is a 24-hour delay.

What do the airline and aircraft characters mean?

Airline and aircraft type information is encoded in 3 or 4 characters.

I have a question about a specific aircraft – who do I contact?

Please use our feedback form to send us your comments.

Why do some aircraft appear to fly so much lower than others?

It is quite normal for aircraft to operate at a range of altitudes. Aircraft vary in size and larger aircraft often appear to be operating lower than others. WebTrak will give a very good idea of how high aircraft are in any particular area.

I have noticed that WebTrak shows some aircraft are operating at an altitude of 0 feet, surely this can’t be correct?

The altitudes shown by webTrak are transmitted by the aircraft. Sometimes some aircraft do not transmit altitude information, so when this happens WebTrak simply displays the altitude as 0.

How do I know if the aircraft that I have seen was on the right flight path and flying at the correct height?

The airport’s air traffic controllers are in close contact with all aircraft to and from Bournemouth Airport. All aircraft comply with our procedures and instructions, as well as the requirements of the Civil Aviation Authority.