

As part of Rigby Group plc, RCA Airports works hard to care for all its stakeholders and is both environmentally responsible and active in the community.

The  team at  Bournemouth Airport takes its environmental responsibilities very seriously and the airport is committed to being a good neighbour.

In 2007 the airport’s previous owners published a Master Plan for the future development of the airport, including a commitment to reduce the airport’s impact on the environment.

In particular, we seek to minimise the impact of noise from all aspects of the operation of aircraft and the airport, and we take complaints of noise very seriously. Bournemouth was one of the first airports in Europe to implement the WebTrak radar replay system. By using WebTrak it is possible to view all aircraft movements in the vicinity of Bournemouth Airport, to see which aircraft flew where and at what height.

Bournemouth Airport has made significant progress in recent years in minimising its environmental impact and is determined to continue this momentum. This is demonstrated through obtaining and holding an ISO 14001:2015 certificate

Environmental & Sustainability Documents

Environment Facts

Noise Complaints

Whilst at Bournemouth Airport we seek to minimise the impact of noise from all aspects of the operation of aircraft and the airport, we take complaints of noise very seriously. We have a dedicated noise complaints service, where complaints can be recorded by:

  • Auto attended telephone number: 01202 364500
  • Fax: 01202 364134
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Letter:

Environment Office
Bournemouth International Airport Limited

BH23 6SE

All formal complaints will be investigated and receive a written response within 5 working days of receipt of complaint. We may telephone you if you left a message on the voicemail number above in order to discuss your complaint.